conspiracy theory
This is an Incredible documentary that will open your eyes about Ufo, aliens, extraterrestrials beings visiting our planet since old times. Watch with your own eyes what Satan is planning to deceive humanity at the Last Times to finally carry our souls into Hell. The Devil will apart many from Jesus Christ, this is his last attempt to grab more souls to his eternal kingdom of torment and perdition.
Total Isolation Documentary
The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Iraq Reckoning
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Saturday, February 16, 2008
Conspiracy Theory: Aliens & Antichrist Satanic Demonic Las Times Evil Alliance
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3:28 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Friday, February 15, 2008
Conspiracy Theory: The Bridge (Scientology)
conspiracy theory
Directed and Written by Brett Hanover. Produced by Tom Padgett. Starring Carole Smith, Bill Baker, Tom Padgett. Released online for free on September 10, 2006. Subsequently pulled by Mr. Hanover after legal battle with Church of Scientology.
The film was initially released as a free download over the Internet in September 2006. The film credits state: The Bridge is licensed as royalty-free digital media, and may be distributed online for personal viewing without permission. All offline distribution rights are reserved by Brett Hanover.
"Diane Wheat", portrayed by Carole Smith, is a Scientologist who becomes disillusioned with Scientology over the course of the film. A parallel plot follows the father of another Scientologist who attempts to get his daughter to leave Scientology (the father is played by Tom Padgett). The story touches on such Scientology-related issues as the suppressive person doctrine, the state of Clear, security checks, disconnection, Scieno Sitter, and the Church's secret upper level teachings, including the story of Xenu, as well as including a reference to the South Park episode: Trapped in the Closet.
The film ends with a written dedication: For all who speak out - for those who have been silenced.
We do not forgive. We do not forget. Posted in memory of Lisa McPherson and all others who have died and/or had their lives ruined by the "Church" of Scientology.
Conspiracy Theory - The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
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4:23 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Conspiracy Theory - Total Isolation Documentary
conspiracy theory
Six people are taken to a nuclear bunker and subjected to a world without sensory stimulation. Three subjects are left alone in dark, sound-proofed rooms, while the other three are given goggles and foam cuffs as white noise is piped into their ears. Over the 48 hour experiment their brains undergo strange alterations.
Shawn Casey is now giving away hia five hundred dollar e-mail marketing software for free
10 Million Dollar Ideas That Shouldn't Have Worked.
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3:48 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Conspiracy Theory - The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
conspiracy theory
The most definitive video existing DOCUMENTING the FBI's conspiracy to kill MLK.
As MLK went above and beyond issues of Civil Rights, the policy makers behind the secret curtain had to have him killed.
Black America . . . . PLEASE join the fight to expose the evil shadow government.
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5:05 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dispatches - Iraq Reckoning
conspiracy theory
A documentary created by Dispatches for Channel four in the UK.
This is an interesting look at the image portrayed about Iraq by the politicians and the general media and then what is the actual truth.
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9:14 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Conspiracy Theory - War Against the Weak: Eugenics
conspiracy theory
Edwin Black discussed his book War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, published by Four Walls Eight Windows. The book discusses a large-scale eugenics movement that began in the U.S. in 1904 and that was championed by the nation's medical, political, and religious elite. Eugenics sought to eliminate social "undesirables" and was eventually copied by the Third Reich. Mr. Black responded to questions from members of the audience.
'Stock' Beats 'Sex' on Google China
Woman Spends 3 Days In Walmart
The Truth About Psychiatry
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9:27 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theory - Banking With Hitler
conspiracy theory
The US Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, began investigating Nazi finances 60 years ago and found Allied banks, including many British and American high street names, who continued to do business with Hitler's Germany throughout the war.
Posted by
9:25 AM
Labels: Conspiracy Theory